Friday, January 7, 2011

2011 Horoscope of Awesomeness

"When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story." 
-Barney, HIMYM

It's the last stressful day of a stressful week of event-planning. I'm teaching myself how to handle the stresses better with every day, and every day asking myself if it's worth it. But then I see my credit card statement and decide that yes, for now, it is. 

Last night I dreamt of my old boss from my horrible horrible job. I was leaving, cleaning out my cubicle, and he was helping me pick things up. Actually talking to me like I was a human being. He accused me of ruining his life, but in a defeated way that made me feel he was a human being too, and I wished him the best of luck - it was a cathartic mutual forgiveness of sorts. I don't think I'm in a similar situation now, but I can't help always watching for signs it might go that way. The last vestiges of PTSD, waiting for the other shoe to fall. I will never let myself be treated that way again.

On to the good news. Remember that Wish Upon a Blog in which I asked the Universe for more money this year? Well, first of all, I'm totally getting it (yay!), and secondly, my 2011 Yearly Horoscope backs me up on this. Check this out:

2011 Horoscope:

2011 is all about showing Virgo the money. Being the bona fide workaholic of the zodiac, you have certainly earned your right to demand the six figures through long hours and heaps of your own blood, sweat and tears over the past several years. And you've certainly suffered enough losses and endured enough tests of faith in the financial department to prove your substance. [All true, I've never been poorer. Or happier.] As much as you get off on the occasional masochistic work jag, you can't help but wonder when things are going to get easier. Well hang tight Virgin, because the bonus you so desperately need and deserve should arrive between March and June of 2011. [DUDE: March 11th is the date of the Giant Event I've been laboring over! This is so accurate.] A major conglomeration of fiery planets activates your sector of other people's money, including the luckiest planet of them all -- Jupiter. If that doesn't bring some kind of windfall, loan or access to a serious line of credit you're going about your business all kinds of wrong. [Other people's money - heck yeah. Turns out event-planning is 99% about getting other people's money. I'm glad some will be coming my way.]
[Now here's the part I don't get - I don't think I have skeletons in my psychic closet. We'll see.]
You're also getting ready to shed some serious skin starting this March. With Uranus, the change god joining forces with Jupiter in your sector of psychological change: you're preparing to face some serious skeletons in your psychic closet. Rather than applying your brilliant yet critical mind in assessing other people's shortcomings, you're ready to confront your own strengths and weaknesses on a new level. This year favors the clean slate approach to all matters of self-help, renewal and transformation of your personality. You're leaving many aspects of your old self behind in order to become a better and more authentic version of who you really are. [--- Love this last line. That's the goal people. Well, that and getting more money.]

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