Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Be careful what you wish for

"Ask, and you shall receive." - The Bible, somewhere

Ok, it's been like a DAY since I put it out into the universe that I wanted more money - and what did I get?

More work!

Don't get me wrong, I love more work, but I'm getting a lot of jobs that pay a little, instead of a few more jobs that pay a lot. So, hey, I believe in The Secret, and I'm putting it out there into the Universe right now: Big paychecks and more of them.


When you wish upon a blog...

In other fairytale news, it looks like I may be attending a ball on Monday. Or at least a real-world equivalent. I have no suitable shoes for the purpose yet. I wonder if Cinderella went around feeling as frazzled as I am. My 26th year is getting off to an interesting start.

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