Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 Here we Come

Happy New Year!

Time for those awful New Year's Resolutions. I really wish I had something profound, but I don't. First, a little 2012 Virgo Horoscope

This year is all about non-stop action for you, Virgo. With Mars spending the entire first half of 2012 in your sign, you may start to wonder if there will be any break in sight before 2013. The first quarter of the year will be under Mars's retrograde influence, a transit that could push you into a semi-neurotic workaholic mode. Be sure to give yourself plenty of physical outlets in order to channel all that excess Mars energy. 
 Boy, they got that right, those smarty stars. I'm starting a new job in a week that I am stoked about. I don't think I have ever been this unreservedly stoked about a job in my life. Floating on Cloud 9 here! And, because of that enthusiasm, I'm going to be a total neurotic workaholic mess for the next few months. I'm going to need a lot of exercise too.

I'm feeling ready for it. I've had a few days of almost-vacation (if drafting a book while waiting for tardy friends to show up to lunch counts as vacay?) and I feel pretty refreshed for the new year. That's good, because it will be a doozy - in a good way.

My financial sector is set to go gangbusters, according to the stars and the fact I've already landed this awesome job. So the financial slump I've been in since 2009 (which is when I quit my full time job with City government) is finally going to change for the better. Yay! Shopping!
June's full Moon lunar eclipse in your domestic sector is the beginning of many profound changes to affect both home and career prospects between late 2012 and early 2013.
June is the WEDDING. Holy Carp, I'm getting married. June 10th, 2012. That's a profound change alright.
Which leads me to my totally lame resolutions:

1. Lose 20 pounds, with a goal weight of 140, for THE WEDDING.
2. Work out, esp upper body, for the next six months to look great in my strapless WEDDING dress.
3. Organize my time better so I can keep up with the wedding blog, new job, podcasts, and other writing clients. I'm pretty organized now, but there is no room for error!
4. Pay off my credit cards completely before the wedding.
5. Become even more of a master in SEO, Social Media, and learn how to create a decent website. I'd like to get more into that. Not so much the scripting stuff as making a website that functions immediately and in line with SEO guidelines. So many small businesses that I love need websites and I'd love to be able to do that for them.

Ok, that's it. Diet starts tomorrow, and I'm swearing off wine and beer for the month of January. Martinis are ok, only because I can't bring myself to drink that much gin at a time.


And dude, if any 20-something creative type stumbles across this blog, which I keep purely for my own reflections, I just gotta say, you can absolutely have the life you want, even in this economy. It's up to you to create your place in the world. And it's totally possible.

6. With that in mind, I'm going to add one more resolution to my list. I've got a couple writer friends who are feeling a bit clueless as to how to make a living, so my last resolution is to do something to help them. Maybe through All Who Wander, maybe through hooking them up with compatible gigs. I don't know yet, but my last resolution is to take what I know and help someone with it.

Here I thought I wouldn't have any profound resolutions.

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